Students in Years 10,11 and 12 work towards achieving their NTCET through a diverse and exciting combination of Stage 1 subjects including Vocational Education and Training courses. Students are co-enrolled with the Northern Territory school of Distance Education to works towards NTCET.
Students also work towards the Certificate II in Applied Languages – Murrinhpatha. This qualification enables the students to be recognised in their dominant language and further supports students to be prepared for the workplace. The Senior students are part of a developing work placement program which sees students undertaking different forms of work in different work-places to help the student identify what profession they may want to head in to. Student attendance and participation in the Thamarrurr culture program, as well as weekly sport and well-being programs are also features of the Senior curriculum.
Industry based enterprises in Wadeye including Thamarrurr Development Corporation, Thamarrurr Youth Incorporated, the automotive workshop and One Tree Creche support OLSH through providing work experience placements and career advice to students.